Core Energentics


Developed by John Pierrakos, MD., Core Energetics is a marriage of Body, Psychotherapy and Spiritual Development®  Sam is a Core Energetics Practitioner with a private practice working with mind/body/spirit consciousness in NYC. Core Energetics is a marriage of Body Psychotherapy and Spiritual Development. The work brings consciousness to how we block our energy and recreate defense patterns adapted in childhood that keep us limited and disempowered. Core is life-changing work which opens us to the fullness of our life-force, opens our heart, grounds us in the strength and integrity of who we really are, and supports us in bringing forth our unique gifts as we engage more responsibly with the world around us.


TRE Provider


TRE® Tension and Trauma Release; an innovation series of safe exercises that assist the body in releasing deep muscular patterns of stress, tension and trauma Created by Dr. David Berceli, PhD, TRE®   Sam is also a TRE Provider who has been trained to specifically help individuals release stress or tension as a result of difficult life circumstances, immediate or prolonged stressful situations, or traumatic life experiences.

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Mindfulness Techniques


Also trained in Mindfulness Techniques which help my clients to cope with difficult and painful thoughts, feelings & sensations. Practicing mindfulness improves both mental and physical health and involves both concentration and acceptance. I enjoy coaching and supporting my clients in being all that they can be.